Integrative Mouth Gut Health.
Tooth strengthening & creating optimum health.
While growing and nurturing Hopf Chocolate, I am also super passionate about creating optimum health and living my best life. With my holistic health coaching background I include many facets such as nutrition (unprocessed foods, macro and micro nutrients), moving my body, healthy and nourishing relationships, fresh air, spirituality, purpose and more.
My biggest health focus is keeping my teeth cavity-free and my gums healthy.
My past
I used to never have a single cavity when I was a child, surrounded by love, eating only unprocessed whole foods, no refined sugar, no refined grains, no refined vegetable oils, hardly any dairy or meat. I spent lots of hours daily in nature, breathing fresh air and moving my body.
I am still trying to track where my tooth decay first started. And I think I’m onto something here. At 13 years old, I started puffing a couple cigarettes at parties, which eventually turned into fully inhaling the smoke into my lungs and smoking a cigarette almost every day after school. It definitely was a way to de-stress. (I didn't like school and the fact I was expected to study a bunch of dry information for the sake of passing every year. I always felt each human already has a gift and a purpose in this world and that one should cultivate one’s passions and make a living that way.) Friend relationships also started becoming more difficult in my teenage years, as I had friends in almost each clique and left me without one. I was being a social butterfly. Soon too, I started singing in two bands and smoking was how we bonded after band practice. It was awesome.
My diet still wasn't super awful, but not as pure anymore as before. I ate more refined grains, random fast food, sugary dairy ice cream and processed dairy chocolate, freezer-pizza, more refined sugar, bad fats, more dairy, more meat, had alcohol on weekends (not always, but commonly), started drinking coffee here and there. I think you can imagine how it went. And sure, it was a lot of fun. But now thinking back I can finally make sense, why I had a sudden root canal treatment at age 15. (Rant: I saw the dentist twice a year, and it always looked pretty good. Well, went bad fast I guess. Or maybe a dental procedure caused a micro fracture inside my tooth. I mean, who knows. Ranting here, but regular dentists just treat teeth as objects, drill, fill, and take no responsibility for the damage they cause. Like most doctors they just treat you, but never help you truly heal or look at the root causes. HEALTH IS COMPLEX and you are the only one in charge of yourself!!! ) (And I also needed glasses, as my vision suddenly wasn’t 20/20 anymore.)
Root canal at 15
Honestly, I’m not sure if it really was necessary to have a root canal or what exactly the leading cause was. I actually had a lot of dental stuff at once at that age. They told me my wisdom teeth needed to come out, and so I made an appointment with the oral surgeon and had two on one side removed. Even though the procedure was painless my body was in so much trauma. I remember being cold and shaking heavily non-stop during the surgery. It was so awful, so even though I was told I needed to remove them on the other side, I still didn't have them taken out until my early 20s. Honestly, I doubt that they needed to come out. From what I have learned so far by nerding out on biological dentistry you are not supposed to remove your wisdom teeth! Removing wisdom teeth, as well as root canals can lead to getting more dental cavities, very serious jaw injuries and infections (cavitations), which may cause auto-immune responses in the body. If you have any chronic health conditions, and you have tried everything the holistic world has to offer but you are still suffering from it, you may find the answer in your mouth.
I do not remember in which order I had my wisdom teeth taken out, root canal done and when I had my first cavity filled. However I believe it is all connected.
Going down the rabbit hole of biological dentistry,
especially after having found Dr. Dome (Dominik Nischwitz, check out his podcast interviews), I cannot stop. I am determined to heal my body, get rid of my mild, yet chronic sinus issues, arrest my existing cavities, prevent future decay and share what I know with you!
Our teeth are living organs. Via nerves they are directly connected to your brain, as your brain is wired to monitor our teeth. Our teeth have a blood and a lymph supply and they can heal themselves from the inside with proper nutrients available. And not only from the inside, but also from the outside, we can strengthen them with gentle dental hygiene (clay based tooth paste, fluoride-free and gentle flossing, never hurt your gums), coconut-oil pulling, xylitol swishing, ozone oil pulling and application, as well as choosing tooth friendly foods to finish our meals with and mineralizing them with green vegetable juices, celery juice and barley grass juice.
Love your teeth!
They’re made of tiny crystal structures, and could be an external hard drive for your brain as some scientists suggest. Your mouth is where your digestive system begins and that’s where your health starts. Your mouth is like a window into your body. Go have a look!
Supplements I take and home remedies I swear by:
Vitamin D3 (Bone Health)
Vitamin K2 (complex) (bone health)
Fermented Cod Liver Oil (Omega 3s)
Vitamin B Complex (stress management)
Vitex Berry (female hormone balancing)
Digestive Enzymes
Probiotics (gut flora)
Barley Grass Juice Powder (vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, blood health)
Reishi (calming, gut health)
Lion’s Mane (nerve healing)
Spirulina & Chlorella (detox, complete protein)
Home Remedies
Ozone Oil
Birch Xylitol
Colloidal Silver
Tooth Hygiene
Earth Paste
Tongue scraper
Coconut Oil
Your teeth can be nourished from the outside as well as from the inside.
Coconut oil pulling (1tsp, swish 5 minutes, repeat twice, total of 15 minutes, then brush, then tongue scrape.) Oil pulling removes toxins from inside your mouth and draws toxins out of your blood stream. Never swallow, spit in toilette.
Xylitol swishing, 8 minutes should kill bad bacteria, remineralizes enamel.
Ozone oil application, and swishing.
Gentle flossing, never hurt your gums to avoid leaky gum. Gums like the gut lining are your immune system barrier, protecting your inside body from the outside world/food particles/bacteria.
Brush and floss at night.
Avoid fluoride (toxin) in tooth paste, chemical tooth paste or chemical mouth washes. I like earth paste, as it is natural, glycerin-free and toxin-free.
Pure raw cacao has a tooth strengthening effect on the enamel, almost exactly as fluoride would.
Essential oil mouth wash.
SALIVA PH matters big time!
Saliva ph should be 7, slightly alkaline.
Strive for alkaline saliva. Bacteria is anaerobic and cannot live in an alkaline environment.
Alkaline saliva, strong enamel.
Vitamin D (5,000 IU daily)
Vitamin K2
Vitamin A (4,000-20,000 IU daily)
Vitamin E
Vitamin C (a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice)
B-Complex (amazing for stress management, less stress, healthier body)
Calcium (1.5 grams daily)
Phosphorus (2 grams daily)
Omega 3 fatty acids (fermented cod liver oil, also contains Vitamin A & D)
Fresh air, oxygen
Movement of the body for strong bones
Healthy, nourishing relationships.
Emotional processing and healing.
Celery juice (complete electrolyte, amino acids)
Leafy greens
Barley grass juice
Fresh, ripe fruit
Fermented foods
Whole foods
Fermented cod liver oil
Spirulina and Chlorella (chlorophyll, heavy metal detox)
Healthy fats
Make sure you get your nutrients as described above, or supplement.
Stick to natural and unprocessed foods, and avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine and a sedentary lifestyle.
Food ideas to fill your belly with besides all the fruit and veggies are root veggies, sprouted rice and quinoa.
TOOTH FRIENDLY FOODS from the outside tooth
Green veggie juices, celery juice.
Barley and wheatgrass juices.
Fermented dairy cheese (I do not recommend dairy for various other reasons though. It’s not a health food, creates mucus and it’s not your species, plus no other animal on the planet, except humans consume milk after infancy. THINK.)
BAD FOR TEETH on the outside/in the mouth. Rinse, after consuming these.
Anything acidic (sour fruit, sauerkraut, kombucha, lemon water, alcohol, coffee, vinegar, etc.)
Foods/substances affecting your teeth BADLY from the inside out.
Alcohol, nicotine, coffee.
Processed food.
Refined sugar, refined flour, refined grains.
Refined vegetable oils (corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, cotton, you name it).
Dairy, (creates acids in your body causing it to rob your mineral deposits aka. bones, teeth, hair, nails.)
Too much and low quality meat. (If you need meat, eat it in proper food combination (without carbs, then wait four hours before eating carbs again, and vice versa), and only a few times a week.) Meat will rot inside you and cause gut inflammation.
Gluten (causes nutrient malabsorption in most people).
Grains, legumes, nuts and seeds if not fermented or soaked due to lectins causing nutrient malabsorption.
Stay hydrated with purified, non-sparkling water (add a dash of Himalayan salt to make it magic and extra hydrating.)
Lemon in water is great for hydration, HOWEVER lemon will make the water’s ph slightly acidic, so do not sip lemon water all day, as this might soften and even erode your enamel. BETTER: have a glass of lemon water as a nice alkalizer on occasion, and then drink and swish plain water to wash the acidic lemon juice off your teeth. (Lemons just like apple cider vinegar are fantastic alkalizer for your body, as they alkalize your system, even though they show acidic on test strips, which is fantastic for keeping your stomach acid strong and at and acidic ph, to properly digest foods.)
Anything besides water or unsweetened herbal tea is not an appropriate beverage for hydration.
Unsweetened fruit and veggie juices are great, but do not replace water.
Coffee, soda, ice tea, alcoholic beverages, etc. are not recommended.
Kombucha is okay in moderation, but rinse with water afterwards, as kombucha tests highly acidic. Also, it is mostly carbonated and therefore not ideal for your body in large amounts.